A conversation with Smart TV users - Part 1
Insights into preferences when it comes to consuming News content in the form of a Streaming Service. An unmoderated running dialog was conducted with smart TV users utilizing a series of research techniques including: multiple choice questions, verbal responses, rating scales, and written responses.
No visuals or links were required to facilitate this study. This study was developed and fielded in the same day, garnishing all recordings within :30 minutes from publish time. Below are links to the individual recordings.
Extract meaningful conversation around aspects related to content types, feature sets, competitive landscape, use case behaviors and scenarios and more.
Individual Recordings
Nikki Black – 51 / Female
Aggregated Metrics
1) Where do you typically get your news from?
2) Which of the following digital formats do you prefer when consuming news online?
3) What devices do you use to access news content?
4) News related apps I've used on my TV?
5) Which types of news play the biggest roles in my life?
6) If you were to choose just 1 type of news coverage which would it be?
7) Do you actively follow news from other locations outside my hometown or current place of residence?
8) Interest in news from my current region, closely related regions, outside my region
9) How important are local news articles to you?
not important
very important
10) What features would I like in a personalized news service?
11) How useful does Weather related news play a role In my life?
not useful
very useful
12) How useful are Weather Radars and Weather Maps in my life?
not useful
very useful
13) Are TV schedule grids and guides useful to me?
not useful
very useful
14) I stream from my mobile device or tablet to a TV on a regular basis
strongly disagree
strongly agree
15) I find it useful watching multiple live video streams
not useful
very useful
16) While consuming news on TV, I also use a mobile or tablet device at the same time wh
17) Am I familiar with NewsNation? Do I know what it is?